Dentist – Who Else Wants To Know What Your Teeth Might Appear Like In Just A single Visit?

Sunday, February 12, 2012
Thanks to advances in technology, dentistry continues to evolve giving patients better options for the many treatments they can receive. A dentist can now give a patient an idea of what their teeth could look like with the use of dental imaging in the office. With advanced software, a patient can now get a realistic look at what his or her teeth could look like before deciding on any treatment plan.
Why is it So Beneficial?
Surveys have shown that 50% of all Americans don’t like their smile. Another 75% believe that an unattractive look directly affects career success. Also, the way our teeth and gums look has been noted as one of the most important features when it comes to self-image. Another study showed yet more interesting information. When people meet others with an attractive smile, they perceive the person to be more honest, successful and pleasant.
What Exactly Can This Kind of Software Do For You?
If you’ve ever wanted to know just how good you could look, you can with this type of analysis. Your dentist will sit down with you and take a series of photos and also take detailed measurements of your face and teeth. The photos along with the individual measurements are entered into the program for the process to begin. Many variations can be made. Color, shape, and even the tooth position can be manipulated.
Also, the shape and size of your face, color of skin, eye color, position of your lips and the amount of visible gums and teeth while your smiling can be analyzed. All these factors can be manipulated and varied to give you a pretty good idea of what you would look like.
Will it Turn Out Exactly How is Looks in the Photos?
Of course you can’t expect to look exactly the way you are shown in the pictures, but it becomes a very close representation of what the final outcome could be. Other factors that need to be considered are the quality of the software being used and the expertise the dentist or assistant has in taking the photo’s and measurements. Also, you need to go to the most qualified dentist. Pictures look great, but the actual results and experience that he’s already had with the many procedures he’ll provide you is a key determining factor.
To conclude, dental imaging is a great way to get a good look on how you could improve your look. In combination with an experienced and knowledgeable dentist you will be happy with the results.

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